The place for your investments! #SFEZ is becoming an increasingly attractive location for businesses, especially those working with #export markets.
Convenient logistics solutions are guaranteed by the nearby Panevėžys – #Šiauliai national road and Šiauliai International Airport, which has the longest runway in the Baltic States, 3.5 km long, and is exempt from any noise restrictions.
For companies located in the #ŠiauliaiFEZ, the state guarantees exceptional economic and legal #conditions.
This special Zone is fully prepared for greenfield #investments, with more than EUR 15 million invested to fully equip the #infrastructure.
Today, private investments in the Šiauliai FEZ amount to EUR 21 million and will reach EUR 70 million in 2023!
The companies already successfully operating in the SFEZ: Reklamos Diktatorius, also known as RD Signs, i-dental, PlusWindows and BarCargolift. A DPD Lietuva logistics terminal will also be opened this year, and Vilmers, a soft furniture and accessories manufacturing company, will start its operations next year.